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Strong Heart, Healthy Community

Glascairn Community Project Timeline

  • 10 July 2024

    Planning consent and Building Warrant received for the proposed business units known as The Space

  • 2 May 2024

    Volunteers install pollinator bed - for bees, moths and invertebrtes and for education

  • 17 April 2024

    Toilet and potting shed foundation nearly complete

  • 28 October 2023

    Hallowe'en on the Green


    Official opening of Culbokie Green by Cllr Lyndsey Johnston and community Halloween event enjoyed by about 100 people

  • 10 July 2023

    Wildfowers appear in the meadow and bumblebees/pollinators arrive. First bug hunt takes place.

  • 1 March 2023

    CCT vounteers start work on final part of Culbokie Green that Tulloch Homes has finished preparing

  • 24 January 2023

    Cairn Housing launch celebrating completion and occupation of 14 affordable rental units

    ... including 6 'extra' units facilitated by CCT.

    Cairn Housing opening celebration

  • 7 December 2022

    Community consultation on business units proposal completed and summary report available

    Summary report

  • 1 September 2022

    Completion of Am Fasgadh

  • 1 August 2022

    Launch of the Green Team

     ...a social volunteer group undertaking projects on the Green

  • 1 July 2022

    Historic community raising of Am Fasgadh - the timber shelter on the Green

    Raising of Am Fasgadh - shelter on Culbokie Green

  • 1 May 2022

    Natural play areas installed

    Children playing hopscotch in the natural play area on Culbokie Green

  • 1 March 2022

    Pupils from Culbokie Primary School plant the community orchard and native trees

    Culbokie Primary School pupils plant trees on Culbokie Green

  • 1 October 2021

    Ceremonial tree planted

    Parts of Culbokie Green formation complete and ‘handed over’ from Tulloch to CCT and a ceremonial tree planted.

  • 31 August 2021

    Refreshed Feasibility Study and Business Plan completed

     Feasibility Study and Business Plan (PDF)

  • 15 August 2021

    Planning consent received

    CCT receive full planning consent for the toilets and potting shed and the cafe along with Culbokie Green

  • 1 August 2021

    Deal between CCT, Tulloch Homes and Cairn Housing completed securing 6 rental affordable homes

    Affordable Housing at Glascairn

  • 1 July 2021

    Detailed landscape designs for Culbokie Green completed

    Culbokie Green Design Plan (PDF) includes a timber shelter and a natural play area(PDF) are completed.

  • 1 April 2021

    CCT awarded consultants time

    North Highland Initiative award CCT with consultants time to refresh Glascairn Feasibility Study and Business Plan

  • 1 February 2021

    Land exchange completed between CCT and Tulloch Homes

  • 1 November 2020

    Tulloch Homes begin development including servicing and layout of community owned land

    Development work on Culbokie Green

  • 1 March 2020

    Architectural designs for the Village Hub buildings are completed

    Hub design visuals (PDF)

  • 1 March 2020

    All potential obstacles to legal deal with Tulloch Homes overcome and legal deal ‘purified’

    ... Then Covid hits!

  • 15 January 2020

    Planning consent received

    Tulloch Homes receive full planning consent and CCT receive outline planning consent for integrated plans

  • 1 November 2019

    Community consultation on landscape and building designs

  • 1 September 2019

    CCT appoint LDN architects to develop designs for built community infrastructure

  • 1 August 2019

    Horner and MacLennan Landscape Architects appointed to draw up plans for Culbokie Green



  • 1 February 2019

    Community consultation about ideas for Culbokie Green

  • 15 December 2018

    Legal deal agreed with Tulloch Homes

    .. for land exchange and works by Tulloch Homes to prepare and service the community land

  • 1 December 2018

    Tulloch homes submit a planning application

    Following joint work between CCT and Tulloch Homes, an application is submitted for a fully integrated plan for the Glascairn site

  • 1 November 2018

    Community consultation on proposed deal with Tulloch Homes which is given the go ahead

  • 1 June 2017

    Tulloch Homes Ltd emerge as preferred developer

    ... for neighbouring housing development and propose a legal agreement with CCT involving land exchange and support for community development.

  • 2 April 2015

    The barren years - waiting for a developer partner from April 2015 to June 2017

  • 1 April 2015

    Land purchased with grant aid funding from Scottish Land Trust

    Land purchased sign

  • 1 March 2015

    CCT becomes charity

  • 1 February 2015

    Glascairn adopted as community development site

    Final adoption of Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan identifying the Glascairn site for community development

  • 1 October 2014

    Postal ballot gives 81% in favour of plan for community buy-out

    Image displayaing community ballot results

  • 1 September 2014

    Application made to purchase land under Community Right to Buy

    Areial view of Glascairn pre-development

  • 1 August 2014

    Community consultation

    Consultation with the community about site plans and preparation of Feasibility Study and Business Plan

  • 1 June 2014

    Formation of Culbokie Community Trust (CCT)

  • 1 February 2014

    Glascairn site put up for private sale

    Community Development Group decide to formally constitute in order to attempt to buy the area zoned for community development

  • 1 February 2012

    Planning work begins

    Between 2012 and 2014 the Community Development Group are involved in developing plans and undertaking options appraisals

  • 1 January 2012

    Community Development Group identified...

    ...the need for a strong ‘village heart’ in a central location with a cluster of facilities.

  • 1 September 2011

    Community survey

    To establish local views on needs and priorities showing that the village has outgrown the community facilities and that new services, infrastructure, recreation and greenspace required.

  • 1 June 2011

    Formation of Culbokie Development Group (CDG)

    in response to ‘Call for Sites’ including representatives of all assets in the village and Ferintosh Community Council.

  • 1 March 2011

    Informal 'village walk'

    Informal ‘village walk’ involving Ferintosh Community Council, Culbokie Church and other interested individuals to consider Local Plan issues.

  • 1 January 2011

    Review of Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan 'Call for Sites' announced

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