Glascairn community project
The Glascairn Community Project is a community-led initiative, started in 2014, to establish a vibrant new heart to the village.
Its key aims are:
- To create an inspiring new focal point to the village (which is loosely strung along 2Km of a busy main road) where services can be concentrated and locals can gather
- To develop an attractive and biodiverse new greenspace for outdoor community activities or where people can stop for a chat or for informal recreation
- To provide services that are lacking in the village including a café, a cosy space for get-togethers, health services and business uses along with public toilets
- To improve local jobs and services which will reduce the need to travel and help those without access to a car.
- To provide affordable local housing for local people
The Glascairn Community Project is working to achieve these aims by creating a significant new community facility in the very heart of the village, in close proximity to the existing Culbokie Store and Culbokie Inn. This comprises:
- Culbokie Green
- Built community infrastructure
- Affordable housing
Culbokie Green
A community gathering space, a local destination for informal recreation or just an off-road walking route through part of the village. Find out more.
Built community infrastructure
What will Phase I of the development of Culbokie Green include? Find out more.
Affordable housing
Six affordable, energy efficient homes to be made available for rental. Find out more.
The Green Team
Volunteer to help look after Culbokie Green and meet new people at the same time. Find out more.