Disclaimer & Cookie Use
Copyright (C) 2014 Culbokie Community Trust. All Rights Reserved
This and the following pages contain information about Culbokie Community Trust (hereinafter referred to as CCT) copyright and links to external Websites. They also contain an important liability disclaimer.
The information contained on this Website is the Copyright (C) property of CCT (unless stated otherwise) and is protected by international copyright laws. The CCT Website is provided for personal, private and charitable use only. No user or recipient has any right to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce. publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, exchange or sell any information, material, software, images, graphics or source code obtained from the CCT Website. No part of the CCT Website may be reproduced in any form whether electronically or otherwise (other than temporarily in the course of using the Website) without the express prior written consent of the CCT.
Links to External Web Sites
The CCT has included, or may include, links to third party Internet Websites controlled and maintained by others. When accessing these links the user leaves the CCT Website. These links are included solely for the convenience of users and their presence does not constitute any endorsement by CCT of the Websites linked or referred to nor does the CCT bare any control over, or responsibility for, the content of any such Websites.
Liability Disclaimer
The CCT Website is produced and made available in absolute good faith. For the avoidance of any doubt, neither the CCT nor any of its Directors or members give or make any representations or warranties of any kind, whether express, actual or implied, in relation to all or any part of the CCT Website or any contents thereof or any Website or Websites to which the CCT Website is linked. All warranties and representations of every kind and howsoever arising are hereby absolutely and expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Liability for material reproduced on the CCT Website remains with the author's) and/or originator's) of the material concerned and not with the CCT. Responsibility for errors and/or omissions in all material remains with the author's (and/or originator's) and not the CCT.
Editorial Control
The CCT can exercise editorial control only over material commissioned and/or produced by it. The CCT cannot, under any circumstances, change, add to, or subtract from, any material previously produced by others, that is prior to reproduction by the CCT. Errors and omissions in such previously reproduced material are the responsibility of the original author or commissioning body and not the CCT. Errors and omissions in material reproduced on the CCT Website which do not occur in the original material should be brought to the attention of the Web Master. If correction is required, the full text of the original material, author, source, dates and places) of primary publication must be submitted to the CCT which will then make appropriate adjustments and corrections having regard to the submission.
The CCT intends that the information published on the CCT Website is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the Website does not constitute legal or professional advice, guidance or recommendation and the CCT, its Directors and members, and each of them, will not accept any liability for actions arising from its use nor will they be held responsible for the contents of any Website or other source referenced by any external link.
A cookie is a small data file that certain Websites write to a hard drive when a user visits that Website. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information a user personally supplies. A cookie cannot read data from a user's hard disk or read cookie files created by other Websites. Cookies, however, enhance a Website's performance in a number of ways including providing a secure way for to identity verification during a visit to a Website and personalising the user's experience with the CCT Website while making it more convenient for the user. Whilst CCT will not use cookies for tracking or analytical purposes, we may use them for website functionality. We may also provide components supplied by other websites that do use cookies. To learn about disabling cookies, please click here.?? The CCT may therefore use cookie technology to track or record information about visitors to the CCT Website. These cookies are "session specific" and are not used to record personal information or to associate personal information with the use of the CCT services. Privacy and security are not compromised if' and when the user accepts a cookie from the CCT Website. Users can refuse cookies by turning them off on their web browsers (see under "Tools" and then "Internet Options") and users do not need to have cookies turned on to successfully use the Website.
Questions or Suggestions
If anyone has any questions or suggestions regarding this policy or considers the CCT is not properly adhering to it then please email us.